
We were so excited last night when we randomly saw Jeff's book on the shelf at a Barnes and Noble in Loveland... woo hoo! Can you spot it?
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Dan said...

Hello Kello Jello-

That must have been a little surreal to see Jeff's book in the store. So, was Jeff getting out a pen and looking for a fan to give an autograph to?

Your boys are so cute, they look like twins. Check out sammyrey@blogspot.com for some (occasional) pictures of Sammy.

BTW...Obama?? You do know that he wouldn't expect his daughters "if they made a mistake, to be punished with a baby," right? I'm sure you've had this debate with someone, but man, an Obama presidency makes my really nervous. Kello Jello!!

Well, say hey to Jeff.

Sarah Hunter said...

Hooray for Jeff! Here's to your beautiful family and continued success!