

blogging on blogger that is.

I tried to make it work with photos, and since I couldn't after way too many tries
and I am addicted to blogging

We have moved:


Please join us (don't worry, all the previous posts moved over nicely)

thanks buddies


HELP anyone who reads this... my pictures come up but they won't stay up. I don't know what to do... have you had this problem?

Testing... I am having trouble with pictures... let's see if this works.


Best Augie / Becket quotes of late:

* Augie: "Mommy, can we bake a cake for Jesus' birthday."
Kel "okay"
Becket: "Jesus doesn't want a cake"
Kel: "What does he want?"
Becket: "A bagel!"

*Kelly Augie: "mommy look at the Christmas lights flashing... are they set on 'normal' or 'expert'?

* (Kelly- kicks Jeff in the butt)
Becket: "Mommy! We don't kick our friends! Go sit time out!"

*Augie: "Mommy, is snow hot or cold." Kelly: "Cold." Augie: "That's right mommy, snow is cold, good job!"

*Jeff: "Augie, why can't you sleep? Is the new night light too bright?" Augie: "No daddy, it's too lovely."

*Augie: "Can we go to baby Kate's house? I live there now." Kelly "Oh yeah?" Augie: "Yeah, sorry mommy."

*Becket: "Hey mommy!" Kel: "What Becket" Beck: "You are a (ninja) turtle! Make me some waffles!"

*Augie: "Mommy! Do you see Arco Irrrrrrrrris (rainbow in spanish) Lights? I see Arco Irrrrrrrrrres!"

* Kelly : "Augie, are you having a better day now?"
Augie: "No mommy, I am having a better night, it is night time. You need to pay attention."

*"Robots!!!! mommy robots!"... is the reason Becket won't go downstairs anymore.

So... Jessie and Doyle moved. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I miss them already, which is silly, because I probably would not have seen them much since Friday anyway, but it is true. I think the rub is that they were with us from the beginning. Jessie helped raise Augie and Becket, even when things were really tough with Augie. They were there when our boys were born, we were there for theirs. They helped build Atlas out of the roots of Trail head... history and longevity with friends matters. It makes them more like family.

I don't know what is up with some of my pictures... they weren't posting so hopefully they will now. Here is the collage for Jessie


Christine, Rob and baby Kate hosted a going away party for Jessie, Doyle and Tucker. I keep thinking I will write a blog about how much I love them and how sad I am, but I just don't have it in me... maybe I will do it some day. (I love you Jessie)

Anyway, as is the tradition with my obnoxious friends and me, we have theme parties. This time it was Crazy Christmas Sweater. Note my hair in a half pony tail and the turtle neck... that's dedication! (and thanks for the pictures Angie).

Okay, and if you don't know, when you are in Jr. High and one of your girlfriends moves, you make her a collage... mostly filled with the boys you like from Seventeen and Tiger Beat and really deep phrases like "hottie" and "suuuuuper sweet!". Here is my Jr. High collage for Jessie:


Here they are pulling the sled up the hill. They brought it back up by themselves every time. Jeff said they are chattering away, like old buddies.

They had a good time riding together, but ended up buying a second sled anyway --- now they are addicted. They ask me to go about once every 10 min!

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The boys made a crafty banner for the Langley thanksgiving and gave it to aunt Kristie.
Now, I am no art critic, but I think these hand-turkeys are about gallery quality.

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Josh and Deb, they are like twins.
Augie at his first official "kid's table"

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The Langley Thanksgiving feast! Mostly you see the family playing together.
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We are thankful...

Here is the table for Thanksgiving at our house

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The first time since the boys have been born that I was able to set it up martha-style

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