
Best Augie / Becket quotes of late:

* Augie: "Mommy, can we bake a cake for Jesus' birthday."
Kel "okay"
Becket: "Jesus doesn't want a cake"
Kel: "What does he want?"
Becket: "A bagel!"

*Kelly Augie: "mommy look at the Christmas lights flashing... are they set on 'normal' or 'expert'?

* (Kelly- kicks Jeff in the butt)
Becket: "Mommy! We don't kick our friends! Go sit time out!"

*Augie: "Mommy, is snow hot or cold." Kelly: "Cold." Augie: "That's right mommy, snow is cold, good job!"

*Jeff: "Augie, why can't you sleep? Is the new night light too bright?" Augie: "No daddy, it's too lovely."

*Augie: "Can we go to baby Kate's house? I live there now." Kelly "Oh yeah?" Augie: "Yeah, sorry mommy."

*Becket: "Hey mommy!" Kel: "What Becket" Beck: "You are a (ninja) turtle! Make me some waffles!"

*Augie: "Mommy! Do you see Arco Irrrrrrrrris (rainbow in spanish) Lights? I see Arco Irrrrrrrrrres!"

* Kelly : "Augie, are you having a better day now?"
Augie: "No mommy, I am having a better night, it is night time. You need to pay attention."

*"Robots!!!! mommy robots!"... is the reason Becket won't go downstairs anymore.

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