

these little guys are such buddies. They can't sleep apart- mostly Becket- I love the yin yang here.

Lately we have been having the most amazing family days. We have no pictures of, but have loved seeing Marmie and Papa after Papa's latest half marathon. We were thrilled to go up and see Josh and Kristie's new house with 6 acres of us to run around in.

Life has been good.

Really good.

Too good.

Ever feel like you are waiting for the bubble to burst. I shouldn't feel this way. I hate my pessimism sometimes. It's just too good to be true.

The boys aren't perfect friends, but they seem to enjoy eachother so much. They are a good balance.

And they are a good balance for us too.

Other great things (in no real order):


Music for Seven


Block Party (is over!)

Atlas building (signing lease today)

School being easy (jinx)

FALL! and Halloween- my favorite

Broncos (that's for Jeff)

Losing the baby gut (slowly but surely)

Story time at bed time with the boys

The Zoo/The Park/The Library/Jumpin'

Friends having babies

People who read this blog.
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JessieJo said...

I love those boys! And you too, they are so cute, I hope our kids will be as close at they are. Augie is such a smartie pants! Who is having babies? Is it Christine?!?!

Kelly Cook said...

no, ... unless there is something I don't know Christine. It was more like a having babies in general... like you having Tucker.

Christina said...

I agree with the waiting for the other shoe to drop...what is that about? Do we not think we're destined for happiness?

I love your blogs...they are so full of pictures.