
You can see that Augie now has to rest on the "bump" that will be his new brother (dad hopes) or sister (yes, yes, yes)... poor little guy, can't get as close to mommy as he used to, oh well, he better get used to sharing!

We love the park... and I mean love it. Jeff and I can only keep Augie from eating rocks and goose poop, so we have a hard time taking pictures. Thank goodness our dear friend Katie was in town... and she is a beautiful photographer. I posted her pictures of us playing and her comment below. We are so blessed to have so many people who love us and support us in our building of this family. Thank you Katie.

Hi Kelly - for some reason your Augie blog is not letting me put up acomment, so I'm emailing it to you! :)Kelly - your words made me sigh . . . . I don't know, it's just so nice to be sitting here in Vermont and reading about your new lifewith your son and how it's creating such a new and amazing life for you and all those around you. I'm am so very happy for you - and I must admit, because of your words, your stories of all of the ups and downs of parenthood - I am so very much looking forward to that time in my life. You are an inspiring mother! And I can't believe it's already been a year - an Augie Year! Wow! Just after a year, you're so seasoned already - and I mean that in a good and great way! Thanks for sharing all of your thoughts and moments with us! I love you - Katie

1 comment:

Christine said...

I could not agree with Katie more...