
Amazing. Life with our son is amazing.

Thanks for being a part of it.

If you have an invitation to this blog you know that
a. I am obsessed with blogs
b. I am obsessed with Augie
c. I want you to have a chance to reflect with me (us) on life with the little man.

I am really excited to keep a web-diary of his life. It is fitting in so many ways. I can get away with it when I am really supposed to be doing work. I can share it with you... and, let's face it, technology is going to affect our kids and grand kids in a way we can't imagine. I also like the idea of pulling up this weblog 16 years down the road when I am throwing things at my mouthy son and reminding both of us how good life it together.

As I run I write little journals in my head. They rarely get down on paper... but here are some thoughts I have had lately:

I love my son. He is the hardest, most wonderful, most fulfilling, most draining, most rewarding creation. I am so pleased to be confronted of my selfishness with this little man taking all of my time and energy.

I love my husband. He is incredible. He loves me so much--- I can't believe what a help he has been. He is the best daddy. I am sad that at times in the last 6ish months my selfishness and emotionalness has gotten the better of me. I take it out on Jeff and I am sorry. I have to invent things to get mad at him for... and I do a bang-up job of it. I love you Jeff.

I love my parents. They get smarter with every new thing that Augie does, and I have to figure out. They love me, and Jeff, and Aug. I am surprised they made it through 2 of us.

I love my brother. He and Kristie support us so continually.

Loving Augie makes me able to love more. I am so grateful to God for him. I know better what God feels when he worries about us, or hurts for us.

Thanks for reading... feel free to contribute at any time, or just see the pictures and enjoy.


PS- for the oldest post, start at the bottom and work your way up. Check back periodically to see new entries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Cook,
I just wanted to tell you that your baby is beautiful. I think its great that you made a website to keep a journal on for him when he gets older. My parents never did that and some how we lost so many pictures. :( I hope that you are living life to the fullest and enjoying your family. I would love to hear from you one on one. If you have some time, send me an email again.
With Love,
Amanda Kohlmann