Today I sat out in the sun for one hour and watched Augie play. I did not have a cell phone or an ipod. I did not wish I could go inside and do dishes or watch TLC. I did not even take a book or magazine. For one hour I sat- mostly quietly- and watched Augie move dirt, and pull up grass. I noticed birds, and the fact that the weather was perfect. The only thing "productive" that happened was getting a little sun on my Langley-white legs. It made me think about the quiet that I miss when I am obsessed with being busy.
Thank you Augie.
*** Some new photos... Augie falling asleep in my arms (never happens) Augie and Jeff sleeping on the couch after a too early get up in the morning time (if any one knows how to get him to sleep in past 5:30 am I will pay you for the secret. )
Augie mad becasue he can't play with Roomba, who lives under the couch. ***