
There are about a million reasons I love to be a mommy. One of my recent favorites it how much it has changed my life. When I am having a weaker moment, I don't appreciate these things- changing your life can seem impossible- in fact I can hate it and I sometimes cry. When I put things into proper perspective, and enjoy what I have, they are phenominal. Funny what a point of view can do.


Today I sat out in the sun for one hour and watched Augie play. I did not have a cell phone or an ipod. I did not wish I could go inside and do dishes or watch TLC. I did not even take a book or magazine. For one hour I sat- mostly quietly- and watched Augie move dirt, and pull up grass. I noticed birds, and the fact that the weather was perfect. The only thing "productive" that happened was getting a little sun on my Langley-white legs. It made me think about the quiet that I miss when I am obsessed with being busy.

Thank you Augie.

*** Some new photos... Augie falling asleep in my arms (never happens) Augie and Jeff sleeping on the couch after a too early get up in the morning time (if any one knows how to get him to sleep in past 5:30 am I will pay you for the secret. )
Augie mad becasue he can't play with Roomba, who lives under the couch. ***


Coming soon...A day at the Denver Aquarium starring August!



So, it is always fun to see Augie learn new stuff, but when he goes above and beyond you have to boast. Here's the story.

Kelly and I have shows we watch together on Wednesday and Tuesday. Augie is not a fan though.

However he can reach one side of our VCR. He can't reach the channel button, which wouldn't matter any way cause he doesn't like anything on TV. What he can reach is the eject button. This pops out the only VHS tape that is ever in the VCR: Stomp. He then pushes the tape back into the VCR and it overrides everything else, and Stomp begins. He then backs up quickly and enjoys. Of course when we fumble around for a remote control, change it back to our show, he looks at us like we have just rudely barged into his TV time.