A web diary of Augustine William Thomas Cook and Becket Joshua Cook created by their parents
...with love...
These are pictures of Augie @ one month old.
I decided to create a web diary for our little man. This way I can channel my obsession with our kid into a productive outlet, and just incase anything happens to our computer we always have these pictures out in cyber-space somewhere... I also hope that everyone will post and one day Augie will be able to read all of this "history" and enjoy it. And it gives us a way to keep you updated on all the must know stories. This first few entries will be the back story of Augie. Hope you will contribute comments, stories and photos... and ofcourse...enjoy.
Much Love Kel
Kelly and Jodi with Augie and Sam just a few months awayAugie 1 day old. What a tiny head he hasAugie on day 2. a tiny tiny 7 lbs 6 oz Augie getting a bottle of Breast milk... his first of many! Daddy is a pro. 2 weeks old Augie with Great Grandpa Thomas Vaughan