
Okay, so I should probably do some reflections too, cause Kel's post was pretty cool. So here's the top ten things I've learned in the last year:

10. Baby food tastes awful.
9. Poop comes out three times more often than you expect.
8. Poop tastes awful.
7. Any backpain you thought you have had was a warm up (and I am just kidding about number eight.)
6. There are times when you would actually pay 150$ for a toy that works with your kid.
5. 5 am isn't as early as it sounds.
4. 7 pm isn't as early as it sounds.
3. I'm really, really selfish (but not as selfish as Augie, but that's okay cause he's like one or something).
2. Baby heads are made out of titanium steel.
1. Sorry, augie's crying...can't finish the list....

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